TAB 2024 Installation Opening
“No Time To Waste” opening
Opening of “No Time To Waste” takes place on October 11th at 19:00 in Balti Jaam
“No Time to Waste” by Elisabeth Terrisse de Botton (ES) and Matthieu Brasebin (FR), proposes an engagement with the proximate square at Tallinn Jam Station and offering alternative breakout spaces for the city inhabitants.
“No Time to Waste” focuses on the act of killing time and providing shelter by creating a structure that uses repurposed, reused resources but also makes the time worth spending while waiting. The pavilion features a series of walls that define a sequence of covered and permeable rooms that are open for future developments.
Inspired by the gabion wall constructive system, lightweight steel cages that will be filled with leftover stones or rubbles will serve as external foundations for the pavilion. Moreover, variations in the density of the filling will allow certain transparency in some points of the wall. The structure of the roof is composed of a grid system made of primary beams and secondary battens.