1-day Symposium




Estonian Academy of Arts

TAB 2024 Symposium ‘Resources for a future’, intends to reveal the untold and the unthinkable potential of the coming architecture, unfolding in consonance with the TAB curatorial course is aspired to string, through the world scope, architectural thoughts, and ideas that are reflective to the curatorial exhibition presented as well as to the local Estonian urban context. Coalescing international professionals in the field and synchronizing their voices with the local audience will demonstrate to us how we think architecture beyond territories, how we understand the resources given, and how we ideate the world in concord with each other.

A diverse grouping of symposium participants will include international architects, architecture critic, professor of architecture, and politician. (The order is demonstrative as to how the role and power over architecture (not commission competency) is distributed).

Among international architects invited Roger Boltshauser from Switzerland, that operates with raw material innovation at the center of the european architectural context, and Danish Soren Pihlmann as an architect of a younger generation, although working in a closer to Estonia Nordic region of Europe, encompassing the big global architectural tendency of circularity making, individualism of material orders, timely sensitivity in a space design esthetics.

Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss as a prominent critic, curator, and publisher is grasping the traces of not only Danish urbanism, which largely influenced the world recently, but also the commons of international architecture. Professor of Architecture Sascha Roesler, despite teaching in Switzerland, explores the multiple relationships between global urban climate, architecture and society. The mayor of Kharkiv Ihor Terekhov is regulating urban policy in a situation of an extreme crisis, intended to find resources for the city’s survival during the war, strengthen the architecture, and form a framework for urban principles of the future.


Friday, October 10

Roger Boltshauser (Switzerland), architect, key speaker; lecture title: ‘Earth Architecture : ‘Tradition and Potential’

Sascha Roesler (Switzerland), architectural theorist; lecture title: ‘The Future as a Resource’

Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss (Denmark), critic, key speaker; lecture title: ‘Black Dot Urbanism and the Imploding City’

Søren Pihlmann (Denmark), architect; lecture title: ‘Thoravej 29 : A Building Repurposing Itself’

Ihor Terekhov (Ukraine), mayor, key speaker; lecture title: ‘WarCity : Defensive & Salubrious’