International Architecture Schools Exhibition


Opening is on September 9 at 12:30 at the EKKM garden.

The Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2022 Architecture Schools exhibition “Handful” took a look at manual skills and material knowledge as important tools in the toolbox of today’s architect.  The Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2022 Architecture Schools Exhibition ‘‘Handful’’ invited people who learn and teach manual techniques: old and new, proven and experimental, international and vernacular, hybrids of the hand and digital, cunning use of new machines, misuse of old tools. As part of this, curators invited masters, inventors of new methods, craftsmen, bricoleurs, apprentices, and other makers and thinkers to participate in the exhibition and teach workshops.

The exhibition is curated by architects and spatial artists Merilin Kaup, Margus Tammik and Ulla Alla.

Exhibition together with workshops will take place in the garden of Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM).