Photo Exhibition

Silent Mountain


KUMU tunnel

The opening of the exhibition “Silent Mountain” is on September 14 at 18:00 in the Kumu pedestrian tunnel. The exhibition will remain open until November 6.

The “Silent Mountain” photo exhibition by Ingvar Toomas Heamägi focuses on the nature and disappearance of Lasnamäe as a living environment.

How long does it take for the environment to embrace you? A year, half a year, ten years, a century, several generations? What is the standing order of the temple you live in, where is your altar of sacrifice? Have you been pruning the fruit trees in your garden, or watering the soil at night while the cosmos smiles back at you from above?

There were farms, then a military airfield, and then multi-storey apartment blocks.Lasnamäe is a vertical limestone pit with poor soil, residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, social centers, tire-changing garages. Lasnamäe often appears in war news. In the collective subconscious, it is like a quarry, a quarry of the falling façades of the shelled buildings in Grozny. In Donetsk, the hills of buildings provide shelter for the Grad rocket complex from the government forces. The environment is charged with frustration, and has destruction encoded into it.

“Silent Mountain” is a staged documentary project. Lasnamäe as a living environment is a universal concept and can be similarly experienced in Õismäe, Mustamäe, and Annelinn, as well as in Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Capturing stereotypical perceptions of the panel districts, its residents and emptiness reveal the beauty and pain of life

Supporters: KUMU, Estonian Center for Architecture