
Visits to architecture firms – b210, Tallinn Strategic Management Office, Allianss architecture



Tatari 64

Only with registrations

How does a firm or organization active in the field of architecture operate? What kind of issues do they resolve and who are the people resolving them? This time around, the tour of architecture firms, which has already become a traditional part of TAB, invites those interested to visit bureaus examining spatial problems from different angles. The selection includes professional architecture and interior architecture firms, while also introducing the Spatial Planning Competence Centre of the Strategic Management Office of Tallinn and the Union of Estonian Architects. The visits offer the opportunity to see different kinds of office spaces and ask about architecture and urban space from professionals active in the field. The visits take place as a sequence, so that participants have a chance to get to know all the selected destinations.

Places that will be visited: Visits to architecture firms – b210, Tallinn Strategic Management Office, Allianss architecture.

Gathering: Tatari 64

Register here.